Episode #04: From model minority to outsiders
Did COVID-19 spark a completely new wave of anti-Chinese sentiment, or did it simply bring existing prejudices to the surface?
This episode explores a more complex and troubling story. We delve into how long-held biases against Chinese people, often hidden behind the misleading “model minority” myth (the idea that all Asian people are inherently successful and well-behaved) resurfaced and intensified dramatically with the onset of the pandemic.
We discuss a paper that has analysed a sample of Twitter posts to uncover the complex mix of racism and xenophobia fuelling this sentiment. We’ll examine how these online messages construct harmful stereotypes, portraying Chinese people not just as “different” or “strange”, but also as convenient scapegoats for the pandemic and even as undesirable members of society.
Join us as we unpack this complex issue and discuss the dangerous consequences of allowing these prejudices to spread.
For additional information, read the full article available from: https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.8202805